Anika Kim and Emily Costigan invite you to join us in our support for Council for Children's Rights.
We will be sponsoring ice cream at Chantilly Park on Sunday, April 3rd from 3PM to 5PM.
Please join us in the fun and in the fight (with your donations) to make sure every child in Mecklenburg County has an advocate to stand in for them when times are tough.
Anika and Emily will match every dollar up to $3500 and Bank of America will double that match. Every dollar will consequently become three. We thank you for your generosity in helping us meet our goal.
Council for Childrens Rights envisions a community committed to standing up, speaking out, and acting to ensure every childs right to be safe, healthy, and well-educated. They improve the lives and futures of children in Mecklenburg County through legal representation, individual advocacy, and by addressing community-wide issues through research and policy work.