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There is no right or wrong way to give back to your community. Thanks to your support, Hurley Foundation is able to support programming and life saving equipment for Hurley Medical Center & Children's Hospital. As a charitable organization, we rely on your support & generosity. YOU make an impact!
Hurley Foundation Registered charity number 383085047
"Thank you for EVERYTHING you do!! Please know that you make a difference in the life of every person you meet! Your team helped my Son when he was 2 1/2 years old and recovering from brain surgery. "
Anonymous donated
$50.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Thank you for taking care of the sweetest miracles 💙💙💙"
$100.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family."
John, Sandy, Michael and Heather DiGiannantonio donated
$200.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Charles was always so kind to his patients and staff. He could light up a room with his smile. This is a wonderful tribute. ❤️"
Angela Wynn donated
$250.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Such a happy and kind soul, of course with a little sassy side💖 Rest easy, Charles. "
Karlee Weissend donated
"Such a great thing to honor Charles."
Pat Swallows donated
ELGA Credit Union has raised $13,000.60 so far
CHANGE a Child's Life
PFCU Credit Union has raised $4,105.59 so far
PFCU's Credit Unions for Kids
Megan Campbell has raised $3,270.23 so far
Remembering Ron Forys
Lisa Marie Szukhent has raised $3,237.85 so far
"Let's Make Miracles" Radiothon
Hurley Foundation Board of Directors has raised $2,952.92 so far
Battle of the Boards: Hurley Foundation Board is Making Miracles
Kristy Witucki has raised $2,195.26 so far
I'm Our 3rd Annual Bake Sale is on August 29th for Kristy Witucki because we want to give back to our community.