About Hansa Class UK
Hansa Class UK exist to provide dinghy sailing opportunities for people with or without disabilities. Sailing independently is incredibly liberating, therapeutic, and exhilarating for people with disabilities, who are often constrained by physical or mental barriers. Racing provides an additional dimension and keeps people motivated, honing a person’s sailing skills as well as introducing tactics and strategy. In the Hansa Class, disabled people can compete against each other, and also against the able bodied on level terms.
The Hansa Classes of dinghy and class rules are designed specifically to make competition fair. Everybody is seated centrally so that those with mobility issues are not disadvantaged. A heavy keel prevents the boat from capsizing. For people with more severe physical disabilities electronic controls are available to operate the steering and the sails. These can be operated using joysticks, chin controls, or even with blow-suck controls. The fleet includes 2 person boats for those who prefer or need company.
Being involved in racing is great for people’s confidence, fulfilment, and their self-esteem. Hansa Class UK provide racing events at various clubs across Britain, and also support people to travel to International events. The clubs provide fantastic support, and there is a great sense of community between the sailors and volunteers.
We are completely run by volunteers and are self-funded.
Please donate to support our cause.
Hansa Class UK Registered charity number 1165467