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At the Grassmarket Community Project our mission is to create an inclusive person-centred environment where people feel empowered to develop skills, build positive relationships and enjoy an ongoing sense of belonging.
Grassmarket Community Project Registered charity number SC041674
"Thank you to the project staff and volunteers for sparing me from the total isolation I'd otherwise be experiencing. This community works."
Brian Connelly donated
£50.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Thanks, Grassmarket staff and volunteers for all you do. You are a wonderful resource in so many ways for so many."
Anonymous donated
"Keep up the brilliant work"
"Sorry to miss Joanne's kiltwalk sponsorship!"
Peter donated
£40.00 + £10.00 Gift Aid
"Well done Kevin and Sally Robinson on completing the virtual kilt walk. You're an inspiration to us all. Kevin I loved your kilt and hope one day I can be there in person to cheer you both on."
Sarah Murphy donated
$30.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"The smartest face masks in town thanks to Anne Duthie. Elspeth"
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
Joanne MacDougall has raised $1,688.73 so far
Hub South East Charity Golf Day 2022
Sara Erridge has raised $982.99 so far
Sara's In lieu of Oncology Christmas Party