About Furness Mental Health Trust
This renovation project is not like a normal renovation project where you employ a contractor to undertake all of the work. FMHT is a Service User and Carer run and lead Mental Health Charity and this project is being undertaken primarily by people who have Mental Health problems and is a Wellbeing Hub Project to help them rebuild self confidence, self esteem and develop new skills to equip them to enable them to get back into the job market. Therefore this Wellbeing Hub Project is a long term project that relies on when Mental Health Service Users are well enough to take part and the availability of Funding Grants to purchase materials etc and pay contractors for skills not available within the group. We have to remember that Mental Health is like a roller coaster ride, it is very up and down. We can’t always progress as fast as we would like to.
Some of the Outcomes will include:
Increased self esteem and self confidence.
Healthier, more active lifestyle.
Improved life skills.
Improved citizenship skills.
When completed some of the facilities the St Pats Community Halls Complex will include: Conference Room carpeted 19m x 11m; Hall with hard floor 10m x 11m; Cafe/Kitchen; Charity Shop; Meeting Rooms; Lounge; Concert Room; Gym; Games Room-snooker etc; Bingo; Carpet Bowls; Table Tennis; Basketball; Office; Living Accommodation; Garden; Car Park; Fibre Optic Broadband with Wi-Fi; Computers; A/V Equipment; etc.
Furness Mental Health Trust Registered charity number 1152986