Bismillahir Rahmanee Raheem,
Asalamalakium Wa Rahamtullah Wa Barakatuhu,
Jazak Allaah Khairan for visiting my fundraising page.
This Ramadan I am raising money to help feed some of the poorest
school children living in Eastern Sudan. Thousands of children are
living in refugee camps without access to food. They are suffering from malnutrition which will cause several illnesses and long term problems.
These children were born into the refugee camps. Without the
help from Charity Right they will be stuck in a vicious cycle of poverty.
I need your help to feed as many children as possible. The more meals we can provide in schools, the more chance these children have to fight hunger and to escape poverty.
The children I will be supporting are Hifz students, (those who are memorizing the book of Allaah) at Sheikh Homed Qur'aan School, a school which I visited when I went to Sudan last year, so I have seen firsthand the conditions these children live in. It is essential that we not only nourish their bodies, but their minds in order for them to recite and memorize the Qur'aan.
I need your help to support 100 children at this school in Eastern Sudan In'sha'Allaah
Each child will receive 3 nutritious cooked meals, every day In'sha'Allaah. I need your help to make sure they receive these meals.
£20 = 3 meals a day for one child for one Month
£120 = 3 Meals a day for one child for 6 Months
£240 = regular meals for one child for an entire year!
You can also donate your Zakat to this page, just make sure you write 'Zakat' in your message.
For everyone who donates, if you can write in the message box your favorite ayat of the Qur'aan, I will be so happy!! I will read each one of them in'sha'Allaah and be making du'aa for each one of you.
May Allaah reward you all for helping these kids and may Allaah join all of us in Jannatel Ferdous together with the Prophet Muhammad (Sallaahye Alyhee Wa Sallam). Ameen!!