For quite some time now my little girl has been talking of growing her hair longer and longer in order to donate it to The Little Princess Trust. Jessica had spent some time in Alderhey children’s hospital and had seen other children who had sadly lost their hair. She was determined to help in some way and offered to cut her hair off to give to another child. Jess said She did not want other children feeling cold due to having no hair. Her hair is long, blonde and lots of people comment on how beautiful it is. I was hoping she would maybe forget about her idea but anyone who knows my daughter will agree that she is head strong at the very least but has a very big heart and a sense of morality far beyond her years. So here we are, we can no longer stave off her requests to donate her hair and we are so proud that at just 6 years old she is wanting to do something to help other children. How wonderful that she has this quality and we hope this quality continues as she goes through life. She has set her own goal of £100 please help her achieve her dream. We’re so proud of you Jess xxx thanks for taking time to read this. Xxx
The Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs free of charge to children and young people up to the age of 24 that have sadly lost their own hair due to cancer treatment and other illnesses.The Trust relies solely on the efforts of enthusiastic community fundraisers. We receive no formal funding. Please help to raise money for us so that we can help more families.