To make a difference and help take on poverty and injustice this year, we are hosting the biggest board game giveaway ever. In order to do this, we contacted our board game family and have collected a lifetime's worth of donations. We have donations from Big Potato Games, Warlord Games, Coiled Spring and Ravensburger! Now, this prize will be huge, so what are you waiting for?
All we ask is a donation minimum of £2.50, and this will cover the entry of your giveaway ticket to win the bundle with all money raised going to Sport Relief. However, the bigger the donation - the better! Please, remember to leave your full name so that we can identify a winner.
Every penny is welcome, whether you want to win, support the charity or just love games as we do. Let's have lots of board-gaming fun and raise as much money as possible!
Lifetime Bundle Includes:
Disney Villainous, Bugs in the Kitchen, Rush Hour and Labrynth, kindly donated by Ravensburger.
Band of Brothers, Waterloo - Black Power 2nd Edition Starter Set, Judge Dredd Starter Game and Blood Red Skies especially for Warlord Games fans!
Forbidden Island, Evolution: Climate Stand-Alone, Decrypto, Zombie Kidz and a huge bundle of gifts and cards from Coiled Spring.
20 Second Showdown, Blockbuster, Don’t Get Got, Disney Colourbrain, Mr Lister, Obama Llama 2 and lots more donated from Big Potato Games.