The aim of the #7DayActiveChallenge is to complete 7 days of activity (chosen by the fundraiser , based on their fitness level, limits and ability) by 31st October. For example, it could include walking, chair-based exercises or even yoga!
This year, donations to the charity CMT UK have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic and the cancellation of fundraising events. This has resulted in a shortfall. The #CMTUKAppeal is aiming to raise £5,000 to help 'plug the gap'.
CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth) is a hereditary condition that damages the peripheral nerves, which means that muscles become progressively weaker over time, particularly in the hands and feet. CMT UK provides advice, support and information for people with the condition, family, carers and medical professionals.
THANK YOU for your support. It makes a BIG difference to CMT UK and its members.