I am helping to raise money for Urbond which is a great charity working to support and provide resources for children education in The Republic of Guinea. In the UK they organise sports and social events for community cohesion and raise money for their charity work in Guinea.
I am a GP doctor in the UK and I am taking time off work in October to go to Guinea as a volunteer with them for two weeks. I will be volunteering in the local hospital as a doctor in the mornings and in the afternoon help at the school.
Every penny raised will go directly to the charity and I am self funding all my expenses for the trip in addition to making a monatory donation, so please give generously.
Urbond's statement:
Guinea remains one of the poorest in the whole world: around 55.2 per cent of the population live in poverty. Around 670,000 children are growing up without their parents. About 40 percent of children are forced to work. Some are involved in dangerous activities such as agriculture and mining. Parent need support so that their children can have better chance of education and not risk their lives working. We are looking to build a school and provide free education and opportunities to children in need.