As salamu alaykum welcome to the Beacons of Hope Team Page!
In'sha'Allah (If Allah Wills), we will be travelling to Lebanon with Salam Charity this August to personally distribute essential aid to Syrian refugees. We will be travelling to refugee camps holding millions of displaced Syrian refugees, distributing food packs, fuel, medical kits and other essential aid.
This will only be possible with your donation!
Need Information before you donate? Sure!
The conflict in Syria is something which has become mundane to most of us and something which seems so distant- unfortunately this is not the case for those living through it.. Many Syrians have sought refuge in Lebanon and Jordan which are bordering countries. The reality for these refugees is that they have been living in tents, with barely any food, water or health supplies for more than 5 years! There are no jobs available for these refugees and therefore no income. Many of these refugees rely solely on aid to survive. This can only be provided through your donations and support so please donate generously. The truth is we are not so distant, as your one donation will inshallah reach families across the world and help save their lives.
May allah accept your charity and allow it to be a means of entering you into the highest ranks of Jannah.
Salam Charity works with these refugee camps distributing food packs, fuel, medical kits and other essential aid all year round.
Food pack (feeds a family of 5 for one month) = £60
Fuel (lasts one month+) = £30
Medical support = £50
2 winter blankets = £30