Bydd disgyblion a staff Ysgol Y Faenol yn codi arian at y Groes Goch er mwyn iddynt allu cefnogi plant a theuluoedd o’r Wcráin sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan y rhyfel. Bydd y plant a’r staff yn cerdded bob dydd a’n bwriad yw cerdded y pellter rhwng Bangor a Kyiv erbyn 18/3/22 sef pellter o 1764 milltir. Byddem yn ddiolchgar pe gallech ein noddi er mwyn i ni allu codi arian i’r Groes Goch i helpu’r rhai mewn angen.
The pupils and staff of Ysgol Y Faenol will be raising money for the Red Cross so that they can support children and families from Ukraine that are affected by the war. The children and staff will be walking every day and we are aiming to collectively walk the distance between Bangor and Kyiv by 18/3/22 which is a distance of 1764 miles. We would be grateful if you could sponsor us so that we can raise funds for the Red Cross to help those in need.