So, in a ridiculous moment of pure insanity, I signed up to cycle 100 miles. Admittedly all for good cause.
I’m gonna try and keep you updated on all my training and keep you stocked with hilarious photos of me in cycling gear looking ridiculous...
I’m doing this because I lost my Grandpa to Pancreatic Cancer in 2008. To me he was the most inspirational man. An engineer, educator and artist, and phenomenal at all and loved by many and deservedly so. But sadly this horrendous disease took him from us too early.
I want to make sure that less people suffer through losing someone and Pancreatic Cancer Action seemed like the best charity in order to do that.
Pancreatic Cancer Action are a national charity dedicated to saving lives by improving early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and the quality of patient survival. with your help we fund vital research, create medical education programmes, produce national awareness campaigns and vital patient information.Together we can make a difference!