Let's get some money together for some kids in need. They've done nothing and are everyone's future. Dig deep, remember how lucky we are and as a bonus maybe win something!
Just to gain awareness of how lucky we are not to be in war, or how we were brought up compared to these kids, should bring us an amount of feel this we already win. Share it with the kids.
Even if you donate anonymously, fill in the email section (it's only visible to us) so we can contact you in case you win.
War child info: Less than 3% of humanitarian aid is spent on child protection in conflict-affected regions. War Child is striving for a world in which no child's life is torn apart by war. They protect, educate and stand up for the rights of children. By making a donation, you will be making a difference to thousands of children whose lives have been turned upside-down by conflict. You’ll be helping them receive the care and support they need to overcome the traumas they’ve suffered and you’ll be helping to transform their futures for the better.