Forgotten. Forsaken. Erased Cholera, malnutrition and COVID-19 devastate Yemen HELP ME RAISE £10,000 FOR HUMAN APPEAL TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY FUNDS TO SAVE LIVES IN YEMEN For six long, brutal years, Yemenis have been ripped apart by war. The country has been wracked by the worst famine in a century, widespread cholera, and the most urgent humanitarian crisis in the world. And now, COVID-19 threatens to push Yemen over the brink. The World Health Organisation predicts that more than half of the entire the population of Yemen will contract coronavirus, and Doctors Without Borders has described the outbreak – which is killing over 1/5th of all patients – as catastrophic. With half of the health facilities destroyed by conflict, there are no tests available, and hospitals lack ventilators, oxygen, masks, and other essential equipment to contain the outbreak. Yet, every day, 80 to 90 bodies are being lowered into graves after suffering coronavirus-like symptoms. *ESPAÑOL* La crisis humanitaria de #Yemen, una de las más terribles y desconocidas de la historia reciente, aún puede empeorar. El #Covid_19 ha llegado y ya está poniendo al límite el débil sistema sanitario del país. Human Appeal estamos dentro de Yemen, entregando comida, agua, medicamentos y packs de higiene. THE CLOCK IS TICKING Every 10 minutes a child in Yemen dies from hunger or sickness! “And whoever saves one life, it is as if they had saved mankind entirely” (Al Qur’an 5:32) £100 – help towards providing a family with a food parcel, clean water, and a hygiene kit to protect against COVID-19 and cholera. ***P.S. If you're a UK donor, please don't forget to add gift aid to your donation at no extra cost to you. This will ensure that Human Appeal get their admin and other operational costs covered to continue with their much-needed work** May Allah reward you immensely!