Yeldall provides an amazing lifeline to people with serious drug and alcohol addictions. It provides them with a safe and secure environment to face their challenges.
The Sunday Night Live youth group are going to be helping the Yeldall team scale the height of Everest to raise much needed funds so that more people, who would not otherwise be able to access the programme, can be offered the care they desperately need.
"Funding for drug and alcohol rehabilitation is getting ever-harder to access. Because of the Good Samaritan Fund, we have been able to offer places to many men who would not otherwise have had the opportunity. We never want to turn down a suitable resident through lack of funds and, last financial year, we have accepted more residents than ever without other funding. Thank you for supporting this fund, and enabling more men to access our programmes and have the chance of a new life."
In the words of a former resident "Yeldall wrapped me in a blanket of love and helped me find the courage I needed to look at myself in the mirror and face all the fears I'd lived with for over 20 years."