Unprecedented snowfall and extreme weather has put the lives of people in northern Kashmir in Pakistan at risk. With over 20 people dead in Murree, the threat to life is still real.
Ya Allah accept those who perished and use us and our Sadaqah to protect, feed and clothe all the others!
Pakistan needs us NOW with Winter Emergency aid more than ever.
Winter Kills and We can be their Warmth, inshaa'Allah!
I've partnered with Human Appeal UK to provide 200 families with emergency winter aid including warm clothing and food in the next 7 days.
For just £70 - you can provide a family of 5 with a 50kg nutritious food pack and warm clothing including sweaters, shawls, gloves and a double blanket.
Give now and share this with many others!
This project is Zakaat applicable. May Allah bless you and your family. Ameen!