The Woody and Wilcox show is known for a couple of things, being a little bit smarter than you thought they'd be, and for also not being as chubby as you thought they'd be. We are all about breaking out of the normal expectations of the typical mornings show. How do we do it? 2 things: a lack of personal privacy, and the lack of sleep. It is a winning combination that leads to comedy. Not comedy in the sense of just laughing. This is comedy that makes you laugh, think, and thank God that you're not like Woody. Yes. That type of comedy.
Woody & Wilcox, along with the Backwords Dude CANNOT wait to go on stage to perform! But we need your help. Please vote for us by donating here! Every $1 is a vote and every penny goes to kids in foster care.
On November 16th Charlotte Area Celebrities will come together for ONE purpose! Raise funds and awareness for children in foster care in the Charlotte area. "Charlotte Has Talent" is a talent competition featuring Charlotte Celebrities and Influential individuals. Our emcees for the event are Natalie Stewart, owner of Charlotte Lately and Morgan Fogarty from WCCB. All funds raised at the event will be used to provide each child in Foster Care in the Charlotte community with a Bag of Hope. A Bag of Hope is a monogrammed, personalized duffel bag that are made specifically for an individual child once Least of These Carolinas is notified of their placement. Bags include new clothes, shoes, toiletries, blankets, stuff animals, toys, and anything else the child needs/wants. This bag replaces the black trash bag that most often serves as the child's luggage from foster home to foster home. For more information got to