It's over.3hours 55 very happy with my time but as usual I got caught up in delusions that I'm a decent runner.I started of with some good runners as Daniel( my so called mate)thought it was a good idea to put in an absurd time so we wouldn't be slowed down by the heavies.ive been running lots of 9km runs so found myself fitting in nicely ,I was running alongside the 3.30 timer feeling that I had clearly underestimated my running capability, that is until he started to drift away from me.. Was he increasing his pace?..I kept going still telling myself 3.30 was feasible ignoring the fact that I was being overtaken regularly,perhaps these were the elite runners who had missed there start times..yes everything was going to plan until about 20 miles.the 3.45 man appeared and my world collapsed.My arrogance and my strengh left me as quickly as it arrived.i ran the last 6 miles trying to come up with an excuse to my son , who when hearing I had stopped would have replied along the lines of " but you told us never to give up..".. It was a very ugly finish but it's done.
ps I was told they videoed everyone finishing..if you are in doubt of my state of play at the end..check it out.
thanks again to everyone.
We (I am running with an old friend who has similar issues)shall be running for the benefit of Team Fox for Parkinsons reasearch (and my ego), a charity set up by Michael J Fox.