Executive summary
As some of you may know, my son Lucas didn't have the easiest start to life and he spent his early days in the intensive care unit and the high dependency unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital. The people at SSNAP (Support of Sick Newborns and their parents) were excellent at supporting us and the NHS staff who looked after him, so I'm helping them to raise money by running the 2022 Oxford half marathon with a twist.
Trying to make sponsoring a half marathon more interesting
My athletic credentials speak for themselves so to make the half marathon more difficult (with the aim of increasing sponsorship), I commit to the added levels of difficulty set out below depending on the amount of sponsorship raised (as at 12 noon on 15 October 2022, ie day before the race) .
- Level 1 (sponsorship trigger of £150): Running kit replaced by an animal onesie (loose-fitting casual jumpsuit for adults made of fleece).
- Level 2 (sponsorship trigger of £250): Stay in a tent the night before (in the UK in mid-October).
- Level 3 (sponsorship trigger of £350): Replace running playlist with one song on repeat - song to be chosen by largest single donator.
- Level 4 (sponsorship trigger of £450): Bounce a basketball all the way around.
- Level 5 (sponsorship trigger of £550): Marmite on toast for breakfast on race day.
- Level 6 or intermediate triggers: Open to suggestions.
Please note that the triggers are cumulative, eg if trigger level 3 is hit then it's onesie, tent and song on repeat.
Introduction from SSNAP
In the UK, 1 in 10 babies need specialist care at birth. SSNAP supports sick & premature babies, their families and the amazing NHS staff that care for them in the Newborn Care Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital. Imagine your newborn baby needing specialist care at birth. Instead of those very special days getting to know your baby as a family, you're catapulted into an unfamiliar world of incubators, wires, medical tests and interventions. While your baby has specialist treatment, we provide emotional and practical support to help you through the trauma & upheaval. Were there to help families cope, and provide state-of-the-art medical equipment and nursing expertise that could save babies lives. In 2022 SSNAP will be celebrating 40 years of being there for families at a time when they need them most. Please support their #SSNAP40 appeal to raise an additional £40,000 in their anniversary year for their incredible cause to enable them to be even more of life-line to so many.