Cancer Research UK is financing an army of white coat wearing heroes who are working tirelessly to solve the mysteries of cancer, and I wanted to meet them. And I wanted you to meet them with me. And then I wanted all of us to help them, so that together we could all say "thank you" for everything that they do.
So I went for a walk. Starting at John O'Groats and ending at Lands End, I'll be visited all 16 of Cancer Research UK's dedicated research centres, and along the way, filmed a series of short videos about each of the centres. The aim was to show you exactly what the money that Cancer Research UK raises is used to fund. Namely, science!
And thankfully, now that this internet thing has caught on, you were all able to join me. The Where's Wallace? adventure - to those that let it - was be beamed to your brains in a live, on the road, blow by blow, and bloggingly beautiful mishap of Twitter, Facebook and YouTubeable togetherness.
The walking's finished, but the story carries on and so does the work of Cancer Research UK. You can still donate and support their work here.