On April 5th 2019 we will set out on a The West Highland Way, a 96-Mile-Walk taking in rugged terrain through the heart of Scotland.
We are doing it to raise funds for specialist therapies for four-year-old Sam Douglas from Inverness. Sam has an undiagnosed neurological condition which means he is severely developmentally delayed; he also has epilepsy and Cerebral Palsy. The therapies he needs to help him develop and become stronger are not available on the NHS.
Sam is a real little trouper and works so hard to achieve all he can. He has been through so much in his life and we want to help him be the best he can be.
Will you help us?
We have started training and stocking up on our blister plasters... and every step we take, we will be Stepping Up For Sam.
Your donation will help change this little boy’s life.
Thank you X