Thank you for taking the time to visit my Justgiving pages. Although, I am fundraising and have set three justgiving pages, raising awareness and support for Clatterbridge Cancer Charity and the National Autistic Society campaign charities
SUNRISE, 24th Sept 2023
Event 2: WAYNE A. braving the heights
of a 15,000FT TANDEM SKYDIVE, depending on places/TBC
Event 3: WAYNE A. Aiming for a Royal Parks Half Marathon Achievement!
8th October 2023
I am hosting the event which will consist of braving the heights of a 15,000ft Skydive, experiencing the thrill of a lifetime with the ultimate adrenaline rush. This event will not only raise funds towards a dedicated charity for patients and research at NHS Trust - Clatterbridge Cancer Hospital but also raise awareness for delivering a wide range of highly-specialist cancer care in one of the UK's leading cancer centres.
Furthermore, I want the opportunity to give something back to them and raise awareness particularly as I am also a Volunteer at NHS Trust Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and formerly a COVID-19 Community Volunteer, playing a vital role demonstrating leadership, initiative, and commitment, on hand and providing support and addressing personal matters for vulnerable clients in the community.
Again, thank you for your donation. With your help, we are one
step closer to raising more awareness for Clatterbridge Cancer Hospital and progressing towards their primarily fundraising goals.