I am a Community First Responder (CFR) for South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) and volunteer in my spare time to support patients in and around Portsmouth. Working alongside our SCAS ambulance colleagues I attend a wide variety of emergency calls as well as non-injury falls and concerns for welfare.
CFRs are part of the SCAS Charity and are entirely funded by voluntary donations. There is no NHS funding provision for CFRs.
I became a CFR after my mother was taken seriously ill. The first person on scene at that time was the Community First Responder and I was inspired to sign up myself and to give something back.
I am now taking on this challenge with my son Lee, to raise funds to support the Charity and to help provide the important equipment CFRs need in order to respond in their community.
Lee and I have paid for our jumps ourselves so 100% of what we raise will be donated to the Charity.
Thank you for your support. Wayne & Lee