Sanae Couchih

Sanae's Water Well Appeal

Fundraising for Human Appeal
raised of £860 target
Human Appeal

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1154288


Communities across Pakistan and Bangladesh are constantly exposed to infectious waterborne diseases such as cholera, malaria, and dengue fever that are exacerbated by inadequate sanitation and lack of access to clean water.

You can provide sustainable water wells and improved hygiene and sanitation services for the most vulnerable people this Ramadan.

Fresh water brings fresh hope by enabling access to clean water and reducing the risk of disease.

Build a water well today in your name, or that of a loved one, and uplift an entire community currently being forced to drink dirty, contaminated water. Your Sadaqah Jariyah will provide clean water for years to come, save lives and help communities break out of cycles of poverty.

The best charity is giving water to drink and He (saw) was the most generous in giving charity. (Ahmad)

£800 - to build a water well in Pakistan.


£860 - to build a water well in Bangladesh.

Water is the key to all life. Millions lack access to clean water, and as a result, a very large % die each year are caused by unsafe, dirty water. A lack of water combined with a lack of sanitation and hygiene facilities is putting millions of lives at risk each year, especially women and girls.

Give your Sadaqah and the best of all charity water to drink and help us to change this by being a mercy to the Ummah. Providing clean water is a beautiful act of Sadaqah Jariyah, as every drop helps to save and transform lives across generations for years to come.

By building a well, you can help people stay healthy, grow their own food, help more children to go to school and for women to have more time for themselves, for their families and perhaps to even work or build their own livelihoods.

A simple well helps give those in need the opportunity to break free from poverty and transform their lives for generations to come.

Donate a water well in Pakistan, where communities are facing severe shortages of clean water.

A Beautiful Sadaqah Jariyah

The Prophet (PBUH) described providing drinking water as the best charity. A well is a Sadaqah Jariyah; when you provide a water well to a vulnerable community, you reap the rewards for years to come, as the well continues to provide clean water year after year.

We can place a plaque in your name on the well, and we will send you a report with key information about your well including where it is built and who is benefiting. Well send you details on exactly where your well is located, and the community you are supporting. Youll receive pictures of every stage of construction from start to finish.

You can donate the well in the name of a loved one, as a Sadaqah Jariyah for them. Theyll reap the endless rewards of this charity in this life, and the next, inshaAllah.

Why give through Human Appeal?

Were working worldwide in 25 countries across the globe to ensure that not only do communities have a safe and reliable source of water for today, but for life too.

Donate a water well now and help us to provide men, women and children clean and safe water, an essential we all take for granted.

In 2021 alone, we installed a total of 693 deep water wells, and we also began installing a desalination plant, provided aquaponic and hydroponic farms, installed solar-powered water pumps, and cleaned the entire water network in Gaza.

Join us in ensuring no one lives without the basic right of clean water, and help us tackle thirst and disease. Give your Sadaqah today to save and transform lives through clean water.

What will your legacy be?

Put the prophetic teaching of charity into practice. You can serve a whole community in Pakistan or Bangladesh of around 105 people, year after year. Every time your well allows a person to quench their thirst, grow a plant, feed an animal, or work instead of spending their day fetching water, that will be your blessed legacy

You can even pool smaller donations with your friends, family or colleagues, and donate a water well together, reaping the ongoing rewards.

About the charity

Human Appeal

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1154288
Human Appeal provides relief to victims of natural disasters, wars and social hardship. It improves the quality of life of underprivileged communities through our projects that aim to provide education, health and social development. It looks after the wellbeing of orphans.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £216.50 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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