Here we go again.................
We know that things are a bit tight for everyone this year and we don´t dare hope to raise as much as we did last year (a WHOPPING 2,404.00 pounds for Cancer Research UK and 6459,88 euros for Contra Cancer Catalunya) - BUT WE ARE GOING TO TRY!!!!
Cancer touches everyone´s lives in some way at sometime. The expatriate community and local ladies of the Costa Brava would like to do their bit to help fight this deadly disease.
We shall be walking in memory of someone lost, in support of someone battling the disease and in honour of those who fought it and won.
On Sunday 20th September 2009 at 10am we are walking/running/hopping/skipping aprox 7km along the sea front in Estartit and would love for you to sponsor us.
There will also be other fundraising aspects going on in Estartit between 10am and 12 noon along Passeig Maretim where all proceeds will go to the local charity. There will be a book stall, cake stand etc - so please come and support us in person if you can!
This year we are also having a balloon launch - Balloons for Heaven - which was the idea of Ellie King, aged 6, in memory of her nana Eileen Wooding. Ellie will be selling balloons in the colours that represent the different cancers. You can buy one (or more) and write the name of your loved one on the balloon and they will all be released together.
All sponsorship and donations through this web site will go directly to Cancer Research UK and all donations and sponsorship taken locally will go to Fundació Oncolliga Girona -
Lliga catalana d'ajuda al malalt de càncer, a fabulous local charity who offers support to those who´s lives are touched by cancer. Their work can be likened to that of the Macmillan foundation in the UK.
Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It’s also the most efficient way to sponsor us: Cancer Research UK gets your money faster and, if you’re a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.
So please sponsor us now - and don´t forget to leave your name and a message to who you are sponsoring! PLEASE dig as deep as you can!