My mum (Viv) sadly passed away from cancer earlier this week. As you can imagine, this has been a hugely difficult time for me and my family. I will miss her so much and at the moment I can't imagine life without her. She was such a warm, loving and generous person.
I had already signed up to the London marathon and I was hoping my Mum would be would there somewhere on the course to cheer me on. When she died on Wednesday, I thought it would be impossible for me to summon the strength to run, but two days later I have decided to go ahead and do it as I think it is what she would have wanted. My mum was never someone to mope or give in to things and I want to try and summon some of that spirit on sunday. I will think of her and everything she has done for me, and all of the joy she has brought to our lives, every step of the way.
Please give generously if you are able. There will be another opportunity to donate to Cancer research UK at the funeral on Tuesday April 30.