Well, I did it, and survived! I've put some photos on the site. Be warned - there are some pics of my lycra-clad warm-up poses.....
70km in 2 hours 51 mins. More importantly, you have all helped to raise over £1k for Marie Curie, so thanks again for all your help, support and donations.
RIP Jen. Keep the faith xxx
As many of you know, our brave friend, Jenny Roberts, lost her long battle with cancer on 18th February 2012, aged 36 years old. Jenny was, and remains, an inspiration to so many people and she has given us so many happy memories. The Marie Curie hospice played an important role in caring for Jenny and also made it possible for her, and her husband Andy, to make the trip to Dr Herzog's clinic in Germany for specialist treatment. (
To raise money for Marie Curie, and in honour of Jenny's memory, I have entered the Sportive Kinross cycle challenge in Scotland on the 28th April. ( It is 70 km with a total ascent of 536m – i.e. lots of hills! I have only recently taken up cycling and this will be the furthest I have ever cycled. All donations will be appreciated.
If I reach my target I shall post pictures of me donning my lycra all-in-one! I hope that doesn't put people off donating....
Thanks very much