I've never sit on a race bicycle before, but with this charity I'm challenging myself to cycle 160 kilometres the first day and 100 kilometres the second day in the Cologne area with a lot of hills...
My target is to raise €1,350 for Lessons For Life. Their goal is to help children in Africa to go to school, pay for their school-fees, uniforms, materials, but also train the teachers. Lessons For Life fund many refurbishment projects from classrooms to libraries! For us in The Netherlands it's unthinkable that kids don't go to school. Every kid has the right to go to school and therefore I'm really keen to raise money for LFL! Together with my colleagues from Liberty Global we're aiming for €1.5 million!
Donating via JustGiving is very easy, but you need to have a creditcard. If you want to donate otherwise, please let me know.