This year, I've decided to take a slightly different route to running...I'm going to attempt the Vertical Rush on 3rd March 2011. The Vertical Rush is a race race up Tower 42 in London, the second tallest skyscraper in the City of London. It's "only" 920 steps, but I've got a feeling that it'll be hard. And I'll probably suffer from vertigo. And I may be sick due to poor fitness. Good times.
I'm going to be raising money for this event for the charity Shelter. Shelter tackles the root causes of bad housing by lobbying government and local authorities for new laws and policies, and more investment, to improve the lives of homeless and badly housed people.
The Housing Bill 2004 - That was Shelter. It urged its campaigners to show support for Shelter’s recommendations and get them made law.
The Housing Aid Centre - That was Shelter. Shelter caseworkers notice huge numbers of private tenants from Eastern Europe having their tenancy deposits withheld unfairly by unscrupulous landlords.
East London Multilingual Private Tenancy Advice Project - That was Shelter. They offered housing support and financial advice to this vulnerable community.
Rats in your kitchen - That wasn't Shelter. You should probably call your landlord about that. But before you call him up, donate some money to a worthy cause.