Call me mad or nuts or both but I'm off to London (twice) soon to pound the streets and complete both the London Landmarks Half Marathon and Virgin London Marathon in 2019!
As a cardiac nurse for 15 years and now working for the British Heart Foundation I have many reasons why raising money for this charity is important to me. We have family with significant heart disease and my cheeky Toby also suffers from a cardiac condition called SVT. I want to help beat heartbreak forever and my former patients, family, friends and colleagues all drive my desire to help. As some of you may know the last 12 months has seen me through a journey of improving my health and fitness. I started a wonderful learn to run group on 29th Jan 2018 and couldn't run for more than 1 minute. Through the amazing support of both my Wreake warrior friends and slimming world I am now able to run for much longer than that now!!! I am now 4.5 stone lighter but what I've lost in weight I've gained in friendships, inspiration and confidence. Running makes me a better person! So please dig in your pockets no matter how deep every penny is appreciated and join me in raising money for this fantastic cause.
I promise to post updates!
Thanks xx