I have been raising money for Marie Curie for quite a lot of years now. Since 2009 we have raised over £225,000 !
It all started when my late partner died of cancer in 2008. For me throwing myself into charity work and physical activity was the best way for me to deal with my terrible , shocking grief that I , like most people suffer.
In 2009 I launched the Coast to Coast Cycle Challenge with the help of my siblings and cousin. Over the years the ride has seen over 500 people be successful in completing the challenge of riding Coast to Coast. What I love about this event , is that it has attracted people from all walks of life , young and old , people from all kinds of diverse backgrounds all with their own personal stories of why they have decided to take on such a challenge. Many beautiful friendships have been created , and many great rides have been had.
The ride is much more than a a bike ride, it s about bringing people together to share in doing a great thing to raise lots of money for those who need it. Marie Curie's work is very special , like me you probably don't really know exactly what they do . I only really found out when my late partner's wish was to die at home surrounded by family and friends , and not hooked up to machines and drips in a hospital. Marie Curie enable just that to happen , which isn't easy when you're on your last legs or literally on your death bed. The nursing care they provide is amazing , and very personal to the individual.
That is why since 2009 I have hosted , organised , guided , and ridden this bike ride, which has become a truly wonderful cycle challenge . Over this time the collective group of fantastic cyclists have raised over £225,000 which is a staggering amount.
I along with 42 other riders this weekend will be riding Coast to Coast , covering a distance of over 155 miles and a good few hills.
Due to my efforts and the efforts of this terrific bunch of people I was recently given the prestigious honour of carrying the Queens baton on behalf of all involved in this event in recognition of the dedication and devotion to the charity. This was part of the Queens platinum jubilee celebrations and in preparation for the Commonwealth Games.
So I ask you to dig deep and give as much as you can towards this great charity. You think cancer just affects the older generation , but I was just 31 when this happened. It can happen to anyone.
And ...Thankyou