Archie suffers from a rare life threatening genetic condition, Diamond Blackfan Anaemia (DBA) where his bone marrow fails to produce red blood cells. This means that Archie relies on blood transfusions every 3 weeks just to stay alive.
A result of having blood transfusions means a build up of iron in his body, if not treated this would mean that the iron would start to attack his organs starting with the liver and heart and ultimately would be fatal. To control this Archie has to have a needle inserted in to his leg every night which is attached to a pump that pumps medication in to him while he sleeps. This break the iron down but it hurts
In addition to this Archie has developed Adrenal Insufficiency as a result of steroid therapy he received. This is a secondary life threatening condition and means that Archie is also dependent on steroids just to stay alive.
DBA uk provide hope and support to the DBA community as well as funding vital research, who know perhaps one day even a cure.