Why have I decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?
It's a question I have been asked several times, and on a selfish reason... well why not!? I've run a marathon, I've jumped out an aeroplane, it's a new and exciting goal to strive for personally. But doing this with 'Climb your Mountain Charity' it will mean something for other people too. Having had a bad case of baby blues after the birth of no 2 son, I have a small insight as to how depression can affect every part of your life. Basic day to day functions become intolerable, unmanageable and sometimes damn near impossible. So, for me, this is a very important and worthwhile cause.
I am doing this trip to help people to get back onto an even keel, to help them function again. But I can't do it without support both for me physically and I am afraid financially. So dig deep and lets all help. Anything you can spare whether large or small could really help others as well as myself reach a goal they thought could be impossible.
Vik x