We stayed at Shooting Star Children's Hospices with Maria for 7 months.
I cannnot describe how well they looked after Maria; they were just amazing and so dedicated to her care. The team paid so much attention to getting to know and understand Maria and to do things the way she liked them to be done. Maria formed special relationships with people, which meant she never felt alone and always had someone to talk to. Even on days that Maria felt very unwell, the team would support her in things she enjoyed like baking and doing puzzles, socialising and helping her to stay mobile for as long as possible. The kitchen staff made sure she always had anything she wanted to eat. The housekeeping team kept her room looking lovely and were always so happy to see her. We felt so welcome from the first day that we arrived; the staff there care so much about everyone and they are so kind; we have never met people so kind. I can never thank them enough. They put love into everything they did, and Maria always felt that, which helped her feel secure.
Shooting Star Children's Hospices provide all of their services to families for free and Maria always wanted to do something to thank them for looking after all of us. Donating to this collection will help the charity continue to do their incredible work in supporting families.
Maria was an amazing girl. Everybody who met her loved her. She was brave and bold and always wanted to make an impact on the world. Even in her final months she set up a fundraising page to support a campaign to clean the oceans, which she recognised as an important opportunity and was always motivated by news of donations. She loved her life; she never complained about anything, even when things were so difficult for her. Maria cared so much about everyone and everything; she was so pure.