I have been offered an AMAZING opportunity to participate (along with 9 other young(ish) people) in a week long wilderness canoe expedition along the River Harkan in Sweden. The expedition is taking place 1st-7th June 2020. My spot on this exped is being fully funded (including flights) by an OUTSTANDING charity called Climbing Out. Climbin...g Out is a national charity which provides support through adventure education to people primarily aged 16-30yrs who have experienced life changing challenges. You can learn more about the work they do on their Facebook page or website-
I first encountered Climbing Out as a young person who didn’t see a way or know how to move forwards. I had no motivation to do well for myself in life or be the best person that I didn’t realise I was capable of being. Below are just a few snapshots of me on some of my Climbing Out adventures but in truth no pictures or words can fully get across what this charity has done for me and how much it has pushed me to fufill my full potential. I will be forever grateful for it.
The CO Sweden 2020 exped is the first overseas programme it has ever run. I feel so humbled and over the moon that I have been selected to partake in it. My mission is to GIVE BACK as much as I possibly can. Each spot on the exped is costing Climbing Out £2,500. I need to raise a minimum of £500 in order to be able to go. However, I would LOVE it if I could raise much more.
If you are in a position to be able to contribute a financial donation you can do so securely though this JustGiving page Or alternatively by using the reference ‘SW20verity’ or ‘SW20va’ and making a bank transfer to: (Climbing Out) HSBC 40-11-18 54863518. If you are not in a position to contribute financially, you can still help by sharing this page.
Thank you. Verity x