We are the VC Mums with 3 things in common:
- All our girls attend Vanessa Class School of Dance
- We all want to raise money for the charity “Fight For Life”
- To do this we are all willing to take ourselves out of our comfort zones and dance on stage!!
This is the 20th Anniversary of Vanessa Class producing “A Touch of Class” shows, raising vital funds for the charity Fight For Life. We want to make sure this year raises record breaking funds for this charity, which offers hope to children and their families fighting cancer.
As mums, we want to show these children and their families that we are stepping out of our comfort zones to raise money for them.
This is a personal journey for all of us for various reasons, ranging from our own children battling illnesses to simply wanting to make a difference by challenging ourselves for a good cause.
It has been fun, but hard work learning to dance! We are absolutely petrified at the thought of getting on stage and dancing in 4 shows!!! Vanessa and Sasha have showed endless patience. We promise to post a video for those that can’t make it to long as we beat our target!!
Please, please give generously to help give us courage and to raise much needed funds for this amazing charity.
Thank you, all our love,
The VC Mums xxxxx
THE VC MUMS 💃💖Debbie, Lara, Carly, Elise, Daniella, Jodie, Jo, Sam, Amanda, Jen, Vicky, Justine, Hayley, Danielle, Ilana & Daliah 💖💃
P.S. If you would like tickets to come and support us on 4-6 October 2020 please email to purchase them 😊👍
With your generosity, we can support children being treated for cancer at UCLH.