We've known The Disabled Photographers' Society (DPS) for many years and have always admired the spirit and dedication of the individuals involved that have kept this charity running for 50 years.
To date their main source of income has been donations of second hand camera kit that they then sell to fund events and activities for their members. They're still doing this (so please feel free to donate good quality second hand kit you don't need any more directly to them), but during recent conversations, it was clear they'd like to run more studio days around the country for their members.
As we work in the photographic industry, the Vanguard team decided to give themselves a challenge to raise at least £2,500 by end of The Photography Show 2019. This gives DPS the choice of a number of smaller studio days, or one larger event in the summer. The more we raise, the more the DPS can do so please give generously.
We're also going to find other ways to support this great photographic charity and the members, but this is something that we can all support and help the members to improve their photographic skills and meet one another to share their stories with one another.
For more information on DPS:
- Website:
- Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: @TheDPSphoto