In May, SJ and I are running the Hackney Half Marathon in May. We signed up last year after running a 5k, despite the fact that I hate organised running and a half marathon is a lot more that 5k (16k more in fact).
We're running to support the work of Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham Forest (Mind CHWF) because mental health is just as important as physical health but often gets overlooked. So many people experience mental health issues in silence and Mind have the framework to give support where it's really needed.
"Each year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem, and this figure is only set to rise. That's why I've decided to support Mind in the City and Hackney, who offer a range of support to members fo the community who are struggling with their mental health. Just £25 could pay for a low-income client with serious enduring mental health issues to attend a Managing Anger and Difficult Emotions group."
Thanks for supporting us and Mind!