At the heart of the education we provide is deliberate diversity. In line with this, we are asking for support for a Foundation Year for those from conflict / refugee backgrounds who are unable to complete the IB programme in two years due to either disrupted learning or language difficulties.
Our target is to raise the annual cost of a Foundation Programme place which is 300,000 NOK (circa 30,000 GBP) per student per year.
All gifts will be matched by an equal amount from the UWC Impact Programme.
For every pound, dollar or krone you give, we receive two.
Our justgiving page enables our British-domiciled supporters to donate via our Annual Fund towards the Foundation Year and other projects here at UWC Red Cross Nordic.
For more information about the Foundation Year Programme and the UWC Impact Programme, please visit the College website:
For more information about our fundraising efforts, please see:
For a video about the Foundation Year Programme, please see: