I did it

Took me 5hrs 27mins and 19secs, and I felt every step!
Don’t really know where to start telling you about the amazing experience that is the London Marathon, but I’ll start with the bad part first!
My hip had been giving me bother for the last 6/7 weeks and with physio and my doctor doping me to the eye balls it was great to be at the start line. Everything was going according to plan until 9 mile then my hip decided it had enough and from then on it was a run/walk approach to the finish. My time was terrible 5 hrs 27 mins and 19 seconds, but now for the good part, I loved every second of it and enjoyed every painful step. It was unreal!
It was super hot, nothing a winter of training in Northern Ireland will ever prepare you for. Some people were suffering badly in the heat, but there was plenty of water at every mile, even for the runners coming through at the end. The organization from the expo to the start to the route was unbelievable, everything worked like clockwork.
I can’t even describe the crowds and support. At times I wanted to cry I was so sore, but couldn’t stop smiling with people constantly shouting your name. The support never faltered from mile 1 to 26. From the bands playing outside pubs, full brass bands playing at round-abouts, cheer leaders, DJ’s, people having BBQ’s and giving out sausages, tons of people giving out sweets, one woman offering ham sandwiches!, kids giving high-fives, the volunteers giving out water, St John’s ambulance with the vaseline, charity volunteers who cheered for everyone - not just their own runners, and the man giving out free beer at 22 mile! it was fabulous!!!!
Passed Jordan and Peter at 4.5 miles and I felt so sorry for them, it’s hard enough to run, without talking to everyone who was running along side them, they were getting tortured. Fair play they talked back to everyone, no wonder it took them 7 hours! Didn’t see any other clebs, but after 16 mile I couldn’t have cared less if Brad Pitt was running along side me, I just wanted to see the finish!
Other FLM runners told me I would cry, I started at 23 miles when I saw the sign “In 3 miles you will have made history”, and pretty much blubbed to the finish! Made sure to look over my shoulder as I was coming up to the finish and I don’t think there was a rhino or womble in my photo!
My page will be open until 31st May so there is still time to donate if you want.
Thanks to everyone for their sponsorship and support, I can't believe how much has been raised so far its incredible!
It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done and the most amazing thing I have ever done. I know I’ve said all along I’m only doing one marathon and never again, but roll on next year, I can't wait!!
On the 26th April 2009 I will be at the start line of the London Marathon. I am in no doubt about how hard this will be, both training for it and the day itself. More importantly though I really need your help and support to get there, by raising as much as possible for the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY). This will be my first (and only!) marathon and I intend on enjoying every 26.2 mile of it, while raising money for a very worthwhile cause.
CRY has set a limit of raising £1500 before I can run, that's only £57.25 per mile - it is possible!!
CRY was set up to raise awareness of sudden cardiac death in young people - a silent killer responsible for taking the lives of at least 400 apparently fit and healthy young people every year.
An ECG (electrocardiogram) is a simple way to diagnose many of the abnormalities that cause heart problems. CRY have recently opened a heart screening facility at the University of Ulster in Jordanstown and aim to save the lives of many of our young people every year. But they require much needed funds to keep this facility running, so please dig deep as every penny will be put to good use.
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Cardiac Risk in the Young will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at NO cost to you, just click on the button.
I really appreciate your support and encouragement. I just wish you could all be there at the 20 mile mark to get me to the finish line!