I'll be taking part in this year's
London Uke Festival's attempt to break the world mass ukulele record on 20th June. We are hoping to have more than 500 people strumming Sloop John B simultaneously.
The event will raise money for Cancer Research UK and the overall target is to raise £25,000.
If you'd like to help me raise my share of that, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the purple 'DONTATE NOW' button. When you do you'll be asked for the name you want displayed on the page, the amount (in £ sterling - there's a
currency converter here) and a comment. You can leave that blank if you prefer - or just tell me how handsome I'm looking today.
After that it'll get your payment details. Justgiving will process it and send the money directly to Cancer Research UK (as I can't be trusted).
If you're a UK taxpayer - firstly, my condolences - make sure you indicate that so they can claim an additional 25% in Gift Aid from the government.
Thanks for your support. And if you're at the event be sure to come up and say "Hi".