On April 9th I will be taking on a twin marathon across four disciplines. I will be running 21.1km (half marathon), rowing (indoors) 21.1km, skiing (indoors) 21.1km and finishing with 21.1km on an assault bike.
Why? 15months ago we were blessed with twins. Twins are daunting of course and as new parents there were certainly some rabbit in the headlight moments but there is a charity that provides some great help. The Twin Trust is an incredible charity for parents of multiples, whilst for us it was just a resource bank of advice and knowledge for caring for two babies, for many they are invaluable with their support to those less fortunate at all stages in their multiples journey.
I hope you agree whether you know any multiples parents or not it is an incredible charity. For me, it meant coming up with a way to give back, a gruelling challenge to justify your sponsorship and of course playing on the twin connection. So, two babies has to mean two marathons right?
Thank you for any donations.