This is possibly the most insane idea that I have ever had, and I still find it difficult to believe that I have actually agreed to it, as I have a morbid fear of heights......seriously!!
However, being the all round top chap that I am(!!), I am not backing out!! I therefore need your support (in the form of hard cash!!) to make it worthwhile. The charity is Myton Hospices (, and they do a fantastic job looking after those who have illnesses that may not be curable and ensuring that they are as comfortable as possible.
In particular, a close family member called Reg (who was also a dear friend, all-round fantastic bloke and just a lovely man) passed away last year from cancer, and Myton Hospice went to great lengths to look after him and care for him.
If you would give whatever you can and feel appropriate to help me show our appreciation for the good work that they do, then I would be unbelievably and eternally grateful!!
Thanks people!!