Twenty four hours a day, every day of the year. The Salvation Army provide care and support to people in need. In fact its what weve done for over 150 years. It is what we continue to do today and its what we will go on doing whenever and wherever there is injustice and pain in the world.
We help people affected by disasters or financial troubles. We help people who are experiencing homelessness or escaping violence We help people trapped in addiction or battling mental illness We help anyone feeling hopeless.
We are a community- a movement of people fighting injustice. Our donors and supporters- people like you- are as much a part of The Salvation Army as those working in our recovery centres or regional communities. Together we offer unconditional love and support, without discrimination.
The Salvation Army is committed to delivering innovative and progressive services that empower people beyond their circumstances. Our services are as diverse as the areas of need within the