Thanks for taking the time to visit our JustGiving page. Please do not be alarmed at the link as we are undertaking the fund raising as a joint effort under Trudi Fletcher.
I enjoyed the walk so much last year that I have now encouraged my best mate Beccy and also my eldest niece Emily (aged 13) to stroll along with me.
This is something that Emily has felt very passionate about for a number of years and this year she is actually old enough to participate - you have to admire her for that its a long way......
We have all lost a close one due to the terrible cancer disease and any efforts we can do as a team to try and ease the burden for the Hospice has got to be a good thing, right??
So although you are not physically joining our team, you could join by digging deep and donating now - your money however small helps to go a very very long way.
Thank you - Team BET :)