For those of you who know me well you will appreciate that mentally I am challenged day to day with my hectic business lifestyle but this year I have decided to set myself a physical challenge to get fit ‘ter’ and take part in what is known as ‘Probably the Toughest Event on the Planet’ – Tough Mudders!
This event couldn’t be further away from my comfort zone having to endure 12 miles of obstacle courses designed by the special forces to test all round strengths, stamina, mental grit and camaraderie; jumping and swimming into ice cold water, getting through 10,000 volts of electricity, run through mud pits and crawling through mud tunnels, climbing 12 foot walls are just to mention a few of the obstacles!
It is a personal goal I have set myself but since taking on the challenge and starting the training I thought I would take the opportunity to try and raise money for a charity I have been supporting for several years - The RNLI.
I have always been a keen boatsman and throughout the years I have gained qualifications in my yacht master exams and taken part in various races and tournaments throughout the world including the grueling Fastnet last year. I am a regular donator to this charity who save thousands of lives at sea each year and for those of you who are as fortunate as me to be able to donate I urge you to put your hands in your pockets and by supporting this worthwhile cause you will also be supporting a man who has reached a 'certain age' to accomplish an extremley strenuous event!!!
I promise to get plenty of 'tough' and ‘muddy’ pictures for you all!!!
Thank you.