We will do whatever it takes to help you live life as fully as you can
This year, on 22nd April, I will be running 26.2 miles in the London Marathon.
Naturally this is a self-inflicted act of craziness, and one that has already taken over my life - if I'm not running, I'm thinking about running, or recovering from running, or eating, or obsessing over running gadgets, or trainers, or updating my training plan, or.............well, you get the idea - but I'm sure it will all be worth it when I cross that finish line on the big day!!
To add to the 'fun' of this event, and to spice things up a bit, I am aiming to beat my previous marathon 'personal best', set at my first and only marathon so far - Paris 2004 - by over 30 minutes. With a target time of 3 hrs 45 minutes - this is quite a (big and scary) challenge!
Now to get to the point! As part of my marathon adventure, I am raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support - an amazing charity that provides all sorts of support (it's not just about the nurses!) for people affected by cancer, and relies almost exclusively on voluntary contributions to do so.
It seems that so many people around me have been affected by cancer, and I would really like to do something to help - running 26 miles seems like a small contribution, but every little helps, and I hope you agree.
It would be great if you could show your support for this cause - and me and my permanently aching legs / feet / buttocks (honestly) - by making a donation today.
Using this site is the easiest way for funds to find their way to where they should be, it is safe and secure, you can pay by debit or credit card, and - as an added bonus - you can ensure the charity will get an additional 28% if you are a UK tax payer and select the "gift aid" option!! So easy you won't even feel it