I want to thank everyone for their amazing support and generous donations which have been very much appreciated by Bloodwise. The truth is that there were three of us in the ‘team’ that raised the money and my team members, David and “ESL”, should come before me in being acknowledged for this. So a thank you to “ESL” inspired me and gave me the faith to believe that I could do a triathlon and who then took charge of my training programme and the equipment I needed for the day, and my fund raising agent, David R, who got me to my final 10k target (inc gift aid) from my original 1k target!
Blenheim Palace, the backdrop of magnificence, is an inspiring start to go into the battle of the Tri. It's steeped in history - the victory of Blenheim - and Saturday translates to fight and conquer for Bloodwise - and through the personal pain, the win!!
The swim, as you leave the golden pond - greeted by the voice of Winston Churchill's greatest speeches - gives the motivation to succeed. That strong stiff upper lip - we will have success, and for Bloodwise and those affect by blood disorders.
The bike ride is through England’s green and pleasant land. You cycle around and see the pastures green with what felt like clouded hills (so not exaggerating Mountains!!). Third time round and it felt like rock climbing (perhaps my new sporting challenge for 2019).
The final leg, the run, is inspiring if you hummed Chariots of Fire in your head passing the great buildings and follies of the Palace, the eye caught by the vistas so a visual distraction.
Signing up next year !!