This year will always be in my memory because this is the year my dad passed away,so In October I will be trekking through the Himalayas to Everest base camp this is one of my dreams, so while I achieve my dreams I would like to help other people achieve theirs too and I've come across Joshua's story.
Joshua is 1 years old and suffers with a lot of complex health issues that are unfortunately undiagnosable,Joshua carnt walk or talk he suffers with conditions such as hypotonia,global development delays,speech regression and degenerative muscles,He is classed as a 'Swan' syndrome without a name.
joshua's family are trying to raise funds to pay for intense physiotherapy at the movement centre to help him walk,they also need standing frames a new wheelchair a car seat and ramps for their home.
we all take the ability to walk and talk for granted so let's give Joshua the best shot at life we can this will be one of the biggest challenges of my life so it would mean so much if we could help change someone's life for the better in the process, any donations are welcome let's help Joshua get walking.
The tree of hope are a charity that transform the lives of sick children the money raised will go to Joshua one of their children.